Occurrence records map. (Total records 0; In Estonia 0; With coordinates 0; Total species 0; Total species in Estonia 0)

Data resources

0 data resources have provided data for this taxon.

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Names and sources

Accepted name Source
Haplotaxis gordioides(Hartmann in Oken, 1819)
  • PlutoF Taxonomy
Synonyms Source
Haplotaxis endekaGiard, 1894
  • PlutoF Taxonomy synonym
Haplotaxis hartmanniNoll, 1874
  • PlutoF Taxonomy synonym
Haplotaxis dichaetus(Friend, 1899)
  • PlutoF Taxonomy synonym
Haplotaxis lichtensteiniiSchlotthauber, 1860
  • PlutoF Taxonomy synonym
Haplotaxis gordioidesHartmann, 1821
  • PlutoF Taxonomy synonym
Haplotaxis gordioides(Hartmann, 1821)
  • PlutoF Taxonomy synonym
Haplotaxis forbesiSmith, 1918
  • PlutoF Taxonomy synonym
Haplotaxis emissarius(Forbes, 1890)
  • PlutoF Taxonomy synonym
Haplotaxis curvisetosaFriend, 1896
  • PlutoF Taxonomy synonym
Haplotaxisvar.pachydermaFerronière, 1899
  • PlutoF Taxonomy synonym
Identifier Source
  • PlutoF Taxonomy taxon current


Updated at 2022-01-01

Charts showing breakdown of occurrence records (0 records)

Literature references from PlutoF

    Public DNA sequences from UNITE or PlutoF

    Sequenced regions:
    Collected by:

    Andmeressurss Licence Records

    More information about the methodology of Red Lists can found on the Ministry of the Environment https://www.envir.ee/et/eesmargid-tegevused/looduskaitse/liigikaitse/eesti-punane-raamat

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