Please read the registration instructions before entering your observation area.

Registration instructions

Observation Area Name
Please name the observation area after the Place Name. The University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden reserves the right to specify the observation area name if necessary.

A brief description of the observation area. Specify if it is located near any facility (nature center, hiking trail, etc.) that would make the public observation area easy to locate. Provide a brief description of whether it is a forest, meadow, swamp, park, home garden, or another habitat. You can also read the frequently asked questions section for information on choosing an observation area.

Drawing the Observation Area
Enlarge the map so that you can start drawing the planned observation area. Click on the drawing button (Polygon tool) on the right side of the map view. To outline the area on the map, click to start drawing, and double-click to finish.

Type of Observation Area

Public Observation Area with Activities
The observation area has a coordinator responsible for activities and serves as a contact person for observers, contributing to communication to attract participants.
The observation area should allow observations for 24 hours (ensuring access to the observation territory) but it does not need to be non-stop action. Participants can visit the area during the time they feel fit for them or when certain guided nature observation tours are taking place.
The observation area has at least one specialist to assist in identifying certain groups of species.
At least one nature education event, lecture, or similar activity is organized at the observation area.

Public Observation Area without Activities
The observation area has a coordinator who serves as a contact person for observers.
The observation area should allow observations for 24 hours (ensuring access to the observation territory) but it does not need to be non-stop action. Participants can visit the area during the time they feel fit for them.

Private Property Observation Area
The contact person for the observation area provides information to the organizers about the observation point.
The observation area is on private land with no public access.

Additional information
Veljo Runnel
Project manager
+372 520 6108

Area Registration

To register a new area, it must be drawn on the map

Registered Areas

Area Type Description Contact
Põltsamaa Tõrukese park
Jõgevamaa, Estonia
avalik vaatlusala ilma tegevuseta

Vaatlusala on mitmerindelise puistuga ajalooline mõisa metsapark ja elupaik, mis asub Põltsamaa linna serval, Tallinn-Tartu mnt ääres.

Heli Tetlov
Lääne-Virumaa Tammiku
Lääne-Virumaa, Estonia
eramaal asuv vaatlusala

Koduaed, niit ja mets